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That means they met before.
Guys is it true or false?
↑↑↑ oh yeah when commenting on which one you want me to draw, please at least try to find a pic of them so I know which one you're talking about !! :3
(Edited by Opalescence00)
I love how HALF of the articles are stubs. I dont know why
Anyone gonna get rid of the vandalism here?
Hi so i'm superciout, you can call me Lilac or Ciput and yeah i do art stuff, been playing toca life world since i was in elementary, i bought the games (before the merge happen) and bought it using my savings from my leftover lunch money! So yeah here's a fanart of TBD!
My art style changed a bit over the summer lol
Does anyone know how much the y2k loft is
I bought it and prices are confusing me from what I have for money still and I don't know how to tell the price after you bought it
Does anyone remember a toca boca multi part story from youtube that was made probably 6 years ago or longer about this girl that goes on vacation (toca vacation game) with her family and either makes an enemy and crush there, or they came on the vacation with her. And at the end of the first video the crush chooses the enemy instead of her. And then in the second video when she gets back home (toca city game) she finds out she's gonna have a kid and somewhere in the series her kid falls in love with her ex crush's and enemy's kid??
Also I'm pretty sure it came out before toca world did so it was so cool that they made the characters be in the different games (Because you couldn't make your own characters yet)
Anyway yeah that's all i remember if you know pls tell :(