Overview [ ]
Business tower is a three-storey building in Buzy Plaza . The first floor is a Bank, the second is the offices and the third is the "Cloud Cafe". It also includes 17 characters.
First floor [ ]
Characters [ ]
Unnamed girl
Unnamed boy
Unnamed vendor
Another unnamed vendor
Unnamed client
Another unnamed character
Features [ ]
Trash can
3 stands for flyers
3 cameras
ATM with lamps
2 green armchairs
Ticket counter
Coffee table
3 lamps
7 unmovable plants
Big white cash register
Radio with 4 songs
2 pillars (one with a shelf)
White table with a computer
Little table and 2 chairs
White trash can
Items [ ]
Traffic cone
9 Banko flyers
10 tickets
3 green candies
A bowl with a banana, grape and an orange
2 banknotes
2 green pens
A red purse
7 big stacks of money
4 little stacks of money
6 bundles of money
A suitcase with
A gold and a simple bank card
3 books
9 papers
3 markers
9 colourful cubes
a coin
Second floor [ ]
Characters [ ]
Features [ ]
Items [ ]
Third floor [ ]
Characters [ ]
Features [ ]
Items [ ]
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