Revised on: October 17, 2023
The Toca Life: World Wiki is all-rounded unofficial infobase and space for fans, content creators and anyone interested in the Toca Life World space. We created the Community Guidelines to maintain fun and interest with no boundaries, while keeping content and interaction between members safe and positive.
These guidelines apply to the all parts of the wiki, including articles, comments, talk pages, blog posts and posts in Discuss, and everywhere in between.
First Steps
- Read Fandom's Terms of Use
- Follow the Fandom Community Guidelines
Don't spam or send content of the same kind repetitively. Gibberish or nonsense, text floods or walls, solicited links and text are prohibited. Avoid sharing links that are suspicious otherwise provide description. Image or space walls to hide spoilers but not leaked information are allowed. Bots and bot accounts meant to spam are prohibited. If you send the same message more than once by mistake, please remove it.
Spam content, no matter amount of times, if not removed within 12 hours, will automatically removed and receive one warning. If behavior continues for three warnings, account will be locked for posting and editing for three days. Bots and bot accounts will result to a temporary ban.
- "fbdj saodbl bo fsob fet oe kFBEBFEO Jfbe"
- Posting content in the forum one day and posting the same thing another day.
- Posting content in comments and the same kind as a blog post.
- Multiple mentions of a specified user
Everyone is free to promote their content on the wiki, provided it is not overtly outside Toca Life space. Use the Promote category in the Discuss section to promote accounts, other wikis. Social media links on user profile pages are allowed.
There is also a section dedicated and promoting the topic outside the Toca Life series. Posting off-topic content outside the section will be removed.
Promotional content, if not removed within one day, will automatically be removed and receive one warning.
- Not permitting a user to edit pages because they're a newcomer.
- Going against others' because of the identity.
Users are entitled for privacy and should be respected. Respect others and do no solicit for any kind of content. Impersonation of others, whether popular or not, is strictly prohibited.
Fandom has updated its Terms of Use regarding age restriction. For safety and security reasons, avoid sharing personal information to the public such as age, location, gender, etc. where anyone could use it for harmful purposes
Account impersonating other accounts will lead to a permanent ban. Sharing of personal information across the wiki will also result to a permanent ban.
The wiki is not a place for vandalism. Avoid unwanted, irrelevant or inappropriate remarks on talk pages, blog posts, and even in semi-protected and unprotected pages. These edits will be removed once spotted. Problems releated to the articles can be discussed in the comment section below each article.
- Putting unwanted information on a page because of conflicts whether the page is related to it or not
- Adding unwanted information (too) in user profile pages.
Treat everyone with respect and politeness. We do not tolerate harrassment and hate against users. Hateful posts, comments, edits, articles and acts of bullying towards users are prohibited. We do not tolerate harrassment towards staff. If there were issues regarding our staff, please contact our admins.
Disagreeing other's opinions and disliking interests is not a form of discrimination, as long it is not offensive. Conflict should be resolved by the users and should not resort to retaliation. If it escalated into harrassment, report the user and please contact our staff.
Exposing one user or a group of users for bad behavior is allowed, as long as it does not have the purpose to hate or encourage others to hate.
- Trolling
- User mentions (@ tags) with hateful remarks
- Doxxing
- Death threats
We strictly do not tolerate anything that discriminates user's attributes like race, ethnicity, gender, sexuality, disability, age, caste, socio-economic status, and religion. Attributes such as edit, follower, like, and comment count should not be use to compare and discriminate against others too
- Excluding users, taking advantage of benefits, or create burdensome requirements.
- Unfavorable beliefs, prejudices, and stereotypes.
- Using one's beliefs to hurt peoplle or to encourage other to do so
Do not share content that contains misleading, inaccurate, or biased information. Before you share anything, always check the sources. If you're not sure, don't do it. Leaks, and mods disguised as official information are prohibited. Fan theories and unofficial hacks should be discussed outside of articles.
Malicious content
Links that redirect to malware, illegal and malicious, otherwise unsafe sites will be deleted immediately. Malicious content like viruses, trojan horses, amd malicious scripts and software are strictly prohibited and will lead to account ban.
Modified applications (mods) or sites made to customize and create fan-made design are allowed, provided that it uses existing content and free from leaks.
Articles, posts, blogs and even media (images, text and videos) instructing or encouraging exploits, hacking or modified versions of the game are prohibited, as this may affect gameplay, collect information and install viruses. It is against Toca Boca's Terms's of Use. There is an article on Helpshift regarding this issue:
However, using modded versions to document parts of the game is allowed. Secrets in specific locations can be achieved through the official and modified versions of the game, provided that these secrets can be found un the official versions.
Illegal Activities
Illegal activities are strictly prohibited to the Toca Life Wiki and Fandom as a whole. Avoid doing, creating organizations, promoting or encouraging others to engage in activities like terrorism, illegal gambling, counterfeiting intellectual property and other activities that violate local laws and especially Fandom's Terms of Use
Violated content will be Content and violators will face permanent account ban
Intellectual Property
We respect each other's creation and especially, the people behind Toca Life World.
Fan works are welcomed and appreciated. Stealing affects others who hone their efforts to create their work. If using other's work to edits and reposts, please credit their usernames with the @ tag, specified website and link (some artists have rules so it's best to ask permission). Art theft and repost without credit will be removed immediately.
Post of work created through commissions and giveaways are allowed, provided with the information of who created it and who to receive.
Topics related to:
- Games developed by Toca Boca that are outside the Toca Life series
- Crossovers and Alternate Universe (AU) in fan works
- Real-live connections to the game
- Toca Life in games that aren't developed by the company.
Creation of multiple accounts or "alts" is allowed in the wiki, as long it does not impersonate or violate any of the rules. Make sure to state the owner of these accounts
Creation accounts to evade an account ban will be immediately removed and posts will be deleted. These accounts will be banned.
Sensitive Content
Since this wiki dedicates to a game aimed at children and a range of ages, we limit content that not suitable for younger audiences. Extremely violent or graphic, grotesque, sexual and adult content is prohibited and will lead to account ban.
- Know your intention. Does the content intend to inform, or arouse and shock people?
- Add a trigger warning (TW//) before the title of the post.
- If the work doesn't violate any of the guidelines but may disturb others, add context before it.
- If the post/comment is an image, add at least seven (7) pictures showing the warning before the image.
Sensitive and potentially debatable topics should not be discussed further in the wiki. Thse includes topics that focus around politics, religion, and identity. Topics and/or trends that could incite or encourage other to do violent, harmful or disturbing acts are strictly prohibited.
Memes, songs and media that may be used for edits and fanworks that might contain or mention imagery, words and inferences with sensitive topics should be edited before posting.
Content that falls into: Language, Violence and Gore, Scary Stuff, Sex, Substance Use and Flashing Lights and Sounds will be removed and receive a warning. If the violation continues and the user receives five (5) warnings in total, will receive a temporary ban.
Stronger content like shock content and content that falls under the category of Mental Health will be removed immediately and result to a permanent ban.
Language lets one to express oneself. Therefore, it should benefit one and should not cross the lines. Language intend to hurt or offend others is never tolerated. Although minimal profanity is allowed, try not to use it too much as possible. Memes and fan works with bad language should be censored as possible. Songs in with explicit lyrics should be edited or use the clean version.
Insults, derogative and pejorative words, and discriminatory language and gestures, even as a joke, are strictly prohibited and will be removed.
Violence and Gore
Depictions of violence and gory imagery and others that could provoke one's thoughts should be handled carefully. Mild acts portrayed in a humorous tone are allowed. Light to medium depictions or imagery of blood, wounds, bruises and other types of gore should have contain warnings. Heavy and real life depictions of violence, gore and abuse are strictly prohibited.
Revealing one's character having a dark backstory that contains abuse is not prohibited but normalizing is forbidden
- Mutilations
- Descriptions of events of real-life violence, such as wars.
- Graphic descriptions of violence
"Scary Stuff" content
Similar to violence, content that could trigger one's fears and experiences should contain a trigger warning. These are usually expressed in phobias, like arachnophobia and thalassophobia.
Horror content is enjoyable but should be handled carefully. It is best to contain a trigger warning as it may go to the wrong audience
- Some types of horror range from mild to a heavy level. It is best to provide context to this matter.
Sex and nudity in posts and fan works should be handled carefully and provided contect. Content (text or image) implying sexual content will be removed. NSFW, NSFL, sexual content depicting minors and adult content in all creations as well as inappropriate behavior is strictly prohibited and will lead the user to be banned.
Discussion of gender and sexuality should be limited as possible. Depictions of characters in relationship like holding hands and "ships" are tolerated provided with context and does not define inappropriately.
- Characters bases are usually used for edits and fan customizations. These usually have base clothing, which are minimally designed, but some use it for inappropriate purposes. It is best to state your purpose.
- Fetishes in general.
- Characters in way too revealing clothing and underwear.
- Graphic depictions of sexuality.
Substance Use
Depictions substance use should be otherwise restricted. Alcohol, tobacco like cigars and cigarettes and vapes, and drugs are strictly prohibited.
Use of using innocent items like glowsticks and fizzy beverages as vapes and alcohol. These should not be allowed and content will be removed.
Mental Health
Self-harm, suicide and types of abuse are regarded as extremely sensitive topics and should not be normalized. Content meant to raise awareness and spread positivity helps and reach out others to take care of their mental health. If you or your loved ones has been going through a hard time lately and feels alone under so much pressure from problems, seek help from others or contact these hotlines below.
Suicidal jokes like has been popular among youth humor and should not be normalized. These should be keep to friends and not spread through out the wiki
Flashing Lights and Sounds
Flashing and strobing lights as well as sound have been commonly used to creatively enhance one's works. However, these effects affects some with photosensitivity and hyperacusis and trigger seizures. Use a trigger warning to hide or provide a version of work without flashing lights and sounds
- Bright, strobing and flashing lights
- Flickering or rolling images
- Bright colors and stripes of contrasting color
- Images with high saturation and contrast.
- Loud and buzzy sounds often used in humor (e.g. bass-boosted and earrapes)
Still need help?
If you're running in questions, feel free to contact out staff. There are help pages, The Toca Life Rules series and a dedicated category (Questions) in the Discuss for anyone to ask and reach out for help!