Floople is an anthropomorphic creature who lives in Creator District. They can be found sitting on the yellow couch inside the Floople Friends building, which houses the Character Creator,
Floople is a character characterized by a small body and a emphasis on the large head. The white head is highlighted by a light orange section and a white bump on top, light orange blush, two eclipse-shaped black eyes, and a crooked mouth. They are dressed in a black ribbed turtleneck shirt, blue trousers, and black slippers, with a watch on their left arm.
- The character's face was featured in on the face of the stop sign the previous update of the Pedestrian.
- They appeared as an icon of the Character Creator in the previous updates.
- The building Floople resides is named after them.
- Floople goes by they/them
- Floople was confirmed to be one of the queer characters in the game[1]