Toca Life: World Wiki
Toca Life: World Wiki


The sample articles for Designer and Furniture Packs are separated as pages to ensure accessibility. Please see Sample Article: Designer Packs on writing articles regarding to designer packs.

"Quote made by the speaker" ― Speaker[[source]]


Here, describe the general information of the furniture pack, including the number of floor walls and patterns, and furniture and decoration pieces. Add the information when it was released.


Describe the general theme of the furniture pack. You may split the theme into smaller multiple themes, name them and describe each, like this:

  • Theme 1 (specific name is optional) - Describe theme 1
  • Theme 2 (specific name is optional) - Describe theme 2
  • Theme 3 (specific name is optional) - Describe theme 3

Insert three images of preview of furniture and decor arranged in three sets. These sets can be found in the trailer of the specific designer pack after "purchasing" the pack in the in-app shop within the video). Furniture and Decor Visual Cues.


Describe how the house looks like on the inside. The house should have default wall patterns and flooring. Avoid putting decorations and customized floor and wall patterns. Insert an image of the wall and floor patterns from the official in-app shop.


Describe the wall patterns in the furniture pack. Include the number of wall patterns.


Describe the floor patterns in the furniture pack. Include the number of floor patterns

Furniture and Decorations[]

Describe the furniture and decorations in the furniture pack. Furniture refer to items in the Home Designer that can be moved but can be flipped in the Home Designer. Note that Furniture can't be moved or dragged after using the Home Designer while decorations can be moved or dragged after using the Home Designer. Insert an image of the wall and floor patterns from the official in-app shop.


Add some extra information about the furniture pack in bullets like this:

  • Trivia 1
  • Trivia 2
  • Trivia 3


Use the code below

<references responsive="0" />
<references />


For notes regarding individual citations, use the following code under numbered bullet form. For group citations, collect them under a number bullet.

Individual Citations[]

1. See <ref name="identifier">....notes for a citation....</ref>

Group Citations[]

1. See <ref name="identifier">....notes for citation 1....</ref><ref name="identifier">....notes for citation 2....</ref><ref name="identifier">....notes for citation 3....</ref>...


Use the code below after citing all the sources.

<references responsive="0" />
<references />


Insert a gallery with videos that present the furniture pack for the first time (exclusive for trailers. Videos after the date of release of trailers are not allowed.)


Insert a gallery with images that include the furniture pack. Include in-app shop media (except for icons and trailers).


Insert a gallery with videos (including shorts). This includes sneak peeks and out now (videos indicating a pack has already been released)
