Toca Life: World Wiki

"You can find all your characters by tapping the sidewalk sign in the bottom right corner. You can also transport the characters and anything they are holding between locations via the sidewalk." ― Design notes | Letter from the Play Designer[[source]]


Characters Tab aka Pedestrian transparent

Sidewalk tab

The Sidewalk is a yellow-colored tab, similar to the Character Expressions tab, which is apart at the left. It serves as a tray for characters to transport from different locations and even Houses exclusive to the Home Designer. Characters can be selected and rearranged. More characters can be found by scrolling left or right.

When you tap the tab, it opens, which brings up the pavement and the characters on it. It makes a short school bus ring, followed by footsteps of characters walking towards the center of the sidewalk. When you tap it again, the tab closes and makes the same sounds except the characters walk backwards.

Similar Terms[]

  • Pedestrian
  • Sidewalk (former name)


There are buttons the Sidewalk offers, which are: Character Creator, Categories and Exit button.

  1. The Character Creator, can be found at the bottom leftmost of the screen.
  2. At the bottom right, Characters are sorted in six categories. Each category has a respective shape and color.
  3. A round x-button which exits the tab..


Categories Meaning Results
Characters made from the Character Creator


  • 03

    How the Sidewalk previously looks like

    In the previous updates, the Sidewalk form of a signpost with three Toca Town characters. Once opened, the categories change each time you tap it. Characters are categorized in the same way but can be obtained by tapping the signpost
  • The pavement below the Sidewalk that brings in the characters is called the Pedestrian.
  • Once opened, a red x-marked signpost appears next to the Sidewalk. This is used for exiting the feature.

